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“ Thanks to Pelico, we reduced our parts shortages by 72% in 4 months. ”
Sammy Y.
Supply Chain Manager - Safran
“ Pelico is the cornerstone of the digital transformation of our operations.”
Pauline C.
SIOP & Material Manager - Collins Aerospace
Testimonials, what customers say.
"In our MRO shop, Pelico helped us go from 2,000 outstanding work orders to 1,600 work orders through better anticipation of bottlenecks and WIP management."
Hakim B.
Supply Chain Manager - Collins Aerospace
"Pelico allowed our teams to focus on their real value add. It also significantly improved our data quality. "
Matthieu G.
VP Customer Support & Services - Safran
“ Thanks to Pelico, we reduced our parts shortages by 72% in 4 months. ”
Sammy Y.
Supply Chain Manager - Safran
“ Pelico is the cornerstone of the digital transformation of our operations.”
Pauline C.
SIOP & Material Manager - Collins Aerospace